

My weekend has been stuffed.

Not so much with this food.

But more with life stuff.

I’ve been cramming all kinds of things in before our trip.  We leave in less than a week!  I am so excited.

Malmok Beach

But there’s so much to do beforehand.

I addressed out 50 of our 2011 Holiday Cards to my nearest and dearest.  It was a card-stuffing assembly line: card stuffed into envelope, lick, find the address from my computer files, address the envelop, apply return address label, apply stamp.  Repeat 50 times.

I also started stuffing a suitcase.  Just putting a few items in as I think of them to make sure I don’t forget things.

Two bags of luggage

For a week or so leading up to any trip, as I see things laying around the house that I know I want to bring with me but that I know I may also tend to overlook and forget, I toss them into a suitcase.

Everything from Vanilla Stevia to the earbuds for my iPhone to Skylar’s Advent calendar to Band-aids to extra Q-tips to my camera charger.

This method saves those “ohmygod what am I forgetting” feelings that happen to me with the adrenaline and crunch-time of  a trip.

I went to the grocery store and re-stocked on some fresh produce.

Fresh produce

After all the Thanksgiving fare which tends to be lots of brown and white cooked food, it was nice to see some fresh and colorful food.

Ok, and some brown food made it into my cart, too.  Chocolate chip restocking was necessary.

Bags of groceries

Speaking of stuffed and chocolate chips, I should make a batch of Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Snickers Bar Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Or just work on stuffing myself with these

Coconut Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Almonds

Stuff away.

It’s also been beautiful here today!  Mid 70s and sunny.  I’ll take it.

Nature with flowers blooming

Hope your holiday weekend is going fabulously.


1.  What kind of Stuffing has been going on in your world lately?

Food, friends, family, shopping?

2. Any Black Friday shopping?

I wanted to buy a few things that I saw online but the items I wanted were sold out moments after the stroke of midnight on Black Friday.  Makes me wonder how many, or few, of those items those websites really had available at those killer prices.

P.S. Thanks for the $50 Clothing Giveaway entries

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  1. I will be “stuffing” my last 4 assignments into my evening tomorrow …
    Yesterday I stuffed velveeta, mushroom soup and butter into a crock pot, and made a delicious cheesey fondue to dip bread in. I took it to the hubby’s Christmas party.

  2. My weekend has been stuffed with unfortunately reorganizing my new hard drive since my old one crashed :( But other than that, just fun with family and friends! It’ll be so weird to go back to “real life” this week.

  3. Ahhhhh business!!!!! THat is all I’ve been stuffed with lately!! Luckily we get a trip in Jan to recoup and recharge!!!!


  4. Ooh your trip is getting close! I’m so glad I still have a little time to get all of my Christmas cards done, because I have so many to do. What was supposed to be a nice relaxing four-day weekend became stuffed with my husband working on my van. We got into a fender bender on a few days ago, and it definitely bent the fender! Trying to get it in working condition again has taken up most of our together time. But hopefully tonight will just be stuffed with some snuggling and catching up time.

      1. Thankfully I just got a bit of a sore shoulder from where the seatbelt held me back. Nothing too major, but it took my husband like three days to pound out the dents and replace the radiator.

  5. Very exciting on your trip, so happy you’ll be able to get away for the holidays. We’ve been packing and planning for a trip too as well as house cleaning, relaxing, and working on computers. Not really on shopping, we did go to the mall Friday afternoon and noticied it looked like a tornado hit it! :-)

  6. I don’t think I can eat anymore Thanksgiving-y food! I am stuffed! However, the yams. The yams always get me…all candied and sweet.

    As for shopping, I am hoping to score a deal on a pair of Frye Boots tomorrow. I shall wait and see what Cyber Monday brings me :).

  7. I have been working and then last week had three bdays including mine and of course Thanksgiving! Whew! today is the first day I can chill out. I am very jealous of your trip the beach is calling my name, Enjoy!

  8. Hope you’re having a great beginning to your holiday season! I know what you mean about the brown food syndrome– I’m heading out from my parents house this afternoon and I’m actually slightly excited because I wont be around the hearty and filling foods anymore!

    I need some greens back in my life, stat.

  9. I looked up the Kohls food processor deal Thursday evening and it was already sold out online. I wasn’t about to go to the store. The next day, in the evening, my mom and I went there and she said she would ahve gone for me on Black Friday AM to get it for me! I was pissed.

    I have been shopping all weekend. I didn’t realy get anything too exciting though – packer tshirts, a couple books, a new fleece vest, and new glasses. Kind of boring, but all very necessary.

  10. My weekend has been stuffed with VACATION! Getting away is so fun; you and the family are going to ave such a great time. I love your packing method! It’s way more organiized than mine (i.e. no method).

  11. The only Black Friday shopping for me involved some VS undies and yoga pants. Online! I was in desperate need. And also some prints of photos I took of my siblings and I for mom.

  12. Packing for that kind of trip would sort of stress me out a bit. I know you probably have it down to a semi-science by now though. So jealous I must add. I really hope you soak up some sun and sand for me pretty please ;-)