Tackling Tuesday


Some of the things I tackled on Tuesday include:

1. Laundry.  I do this every day.   Nothing special about Tuesday.

Stacked washer and dryer

2. An edamame salad with my 1 tomato a day habit on top.  And that particular vine-ripe tomato was perfect.  It almost tasted like summer and tomato season.

Edamame salad in bowl

Dressed with Vegan Slaw Dressing

Jar of Vegan Slaw Dressing

And some Mango Ginger Maple Tofu on the side

Mango Ginger Maple Tofu stacked in container


Close up of Mango Ginger Maple Tofu in container

3. A 2 mile run outside while pushing Skylar in the jogging stroller.  It’s windy and chilly today.  Darn.

Young girl in kitchen with boots on smiling

4. 20 Minutes of at-home yoga + lifting moves

5. Lots of emails, phone calls, and busy work.   And I still have to go to my paid job yet today.

6. I tackled making one of these for Skylar.  Nothing too hard to tackle here.  They take 3 minutes.

Biggie Microwave Banana Oat Cakes

Biggie Microwave Banana Oat Cakes

Hand holding portion of Biggie Microwave Banana Oat Cake

From my last post for Mango Balsamic Rice, Beans, & Mixed Vegetables, I was happy to hear what your favorite one pot meals are.  Gotta love anything that’s one pot and if it’s ready in 20 minutes or less, even better!

Mango Balsamic Rice, Beans, & Mixed Vegetables

And thanks for letting me know your stance on leftovers.  Friend or foe.   Most of you are friends with leftovers.  I am.  Such a time saver!

7. For dessert, I’d like to tackle one of these Vegan Maple Nut Chocolate Oaties

Vegan Maple Nut Chocolate Oaties in clear container
Close up of one Vegan Maple Nut Chocolate Oatie on plastic wrap


1. What did you tackle today?

2. Do you like feeling productive?

I know I do!

I am a bit “addicted” to being productive, staying busy, and keeping on track and just getting things done.  But it’s just the way life is and so I roll with it.   It’s a great feeling for me to cross things off my to-do list.   Even if that list is all in my head.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I love being productive…and once I start, I am like a machine! I make a to-do list every night for the next day, and then I cross things off as I go (and if i do things not on the list, I add them and cross them off).
    I cleaned and did work for about 14 hours today. I really need to get away from the computer!
    Productivity feels awesome…

  2. I love feeling productive — even if it is little things around the house. When I clean the kitchen I make a list: stove, oven, microwave, sink, fridge, shelves, etc. That way I can check each item off my list as I clean it. It is more rewarding than cleaning the kitchen for an hour and only checking off “kitchen” on my list.

    Today I got my blog post ready for tomorrow, a 3 mile run, dinner made and plenty of time tonight to relax and unwind. I feel very productive and it feels great!

  3. today has been VERY productive for me, too! i think i get high on being organized/fitting “it” all in/crossing off my to do list…nice work on all YOU did today, too…BEFORE heading in to work.
    off to make the husband’s sandwiches for the rest of the week…shower, supper, crash for a few minutes…check, check, check!!! :)

  4. I did tackle organizing one of my closets today and some wedding related stuff! I love getting stuff done, I feel like super woman when I do! hahaha!

    Love ya! Hope you have a great night! : )

  5. I do love being productive. It’s such a great feeling.

    It’s great that Skylar still likes the stroller. I have friends who say their little ones won’t take stroller rides past age 2 1/2 or 3. I hope Meghan (2) will still like the stroller when she’s 4–I love running outside with her. :-)

    1. Well, it’s a BIG jogging stroller, it’s made for kids up to like 80 lbs? or something like that…so hopefully she will be cool with it til she’s old enough to walk/run to keep up with us….haha!

  6. I survived Day 2 of the vegan challenge! I think I am going to tackle some of those chocolate oaties :)

  7. I actually tackled a lot today! Went to 2 classes, went to a “resume blitz” at school to have my resume critiqued, paid a visit to the financial aid office, met with a professor, and worked out! It was the most productive day I’ve had in a while…
    PS- Posted about your oreo balls- they were delish!

  8. haha will you come over and do my laundry? it’s backed up like NO other. boo to that.

    i lovvvvveeee that rice and beans recipe from your last post :) it looks and sounds so fresh and deliiicious :)

  9. Shoot! You just reminded me that I’m supposed to be doing laundry today. What’s with this wind? I want the 70F weather back again! :-D

  10. That dressing sounds so good!! And girl I know, WAY too windy and chilly today, but a run always sounds lovely. Enjoy those cookies!:)

  11. I just made two different pizzas and 4 different calzones. I also took the cats to the vet and wrestled with them there and back. I don’t feel especially accomplished…mostly warn out. Looks like you got some stuff done though!

  12. Ugh, laundry! I managed to go to spin at 5:45, take a shower, make breakfast, and get to class on time! Usually I forgo washing my hair to make breakfast, so it was nice to have time for all those things :)