Target Trip, Smoothie Helpers


This post may contain affiliate links.

I went to Target yesterday and stocked up on a few essentials.  It’s funny how a quick Target trip turns into 80 bucks, fast.  There was also some overpriced and unpictured toilet paper.   It’s very expensive to wipe your butt these days.

Various Toiletries on countertop

Mango Mandarin body wash and Sweat Pea with Violet Body WashI love this mango.  It’s a new scent for Suave that I’ve only been buying for a month or so, but I really dig it.

As I mentioned in my 10 Facts post, I am a dental hygiene freak

Toothpaste and floss

And as I mentioned in my last Target stocking up trip, I am a Carmex addict.  I have the stuff in every room in my house, purse, car, bag.  You name it. And I am proud that it’s been a month to the date since my last trip there.

Three pack of Carmel

After I came home from Target, I was lucky enough to find these Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer samples

Two packages of Vega Health Optimizers

I’ve had them before and they are really nice to add a little ooomph to smoothies or shakes.  They are plant based, not overly sweet, and not overly gritty or “earthy” tasting, either.  Bonus!

Close upon package of Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer

I think I should add some Vega to a Chocolate Coconut Princess Smoothie

Chocolate Coconut Princess Smoothie in princess cup
Overhead of smoothie in cup

I’m a big fan of Brendan Brazier and have reviewed his book, The Thrive Diet, in the past, Here.

Thrive The Vegan Nutrition Guide Book

I thought this chart was cool that they enclosed with the samples.

Vega product serving guide

And here’s a link to download another chart:  Click here to download your FREE Thrive Diet Alkalinity Chart

Thanks Vega!

From my last post about Pantry and Refrigerator Staples, I am glad you enjoyed that one!  I put some extra time and thought into trying to come up with a fairly comprehensive list of what I always keep on hand.  And then some learning curve/blog posting using Wordpress/recipe re-linking stuff came up so I kinda wrote the post, twice.  But hey, I know now what shortcuts I can and can’t take now.

It was fun to hear what’s in your pantries, cupboards, and fridges!

Snack Today: Banana Rollups (Vegan Crepes) with Nut Butter

Banana Roll up spread with Peanut Butter

Rolled Up Banana Rollup in hand

Or top with Syrup, Whipped Cream, and Fruit

Banana Roll up with peanut butter topped with blueberries and maple syrup
Close up of Banana Rollup on plate with blueberries, syrup and whipped cream

Banana Rollups (Vegan Crepes)


1. Have you ever tried any Vega products?

I’ve also tried some of the Vega bars, here.

One Vega Bar in Chocolate Decadence
Whole Foods Energy Bar

2. Have you tried any “smoothie helpers”?  Things to add some extra oomph, nutrition, or flavor to your smoothie? Tell me what you like and what you don’t like that you’ve tried.

I am generally not a huge fan of adding powders, “optimizers”, or additional specialty items to my smoothies.  I believe plants are amazing and provide us so much already that we don’t need to feel as if we “have to” add in additional items.  Also, the additional add-ins/powders/products can be hard to find, or pricey over the long term.

That said, every now and then they are fun to add in and offer a nice change of pace and additional nutrition stats.

3. What’s in your Target bag this week/month?  Or what are your Target (or similar store) essentials?

I’ve posted about mine, here

Have a great evening gang! 

It’s been a crazy day for me…I’ve hardly have time to come up for air and write this post!


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  1. I noticed your lip balm right away! As I remember we’re both big on smooth lips. :) I also use that very same St. Yves product. I love it!