

I’ve had a productive day of checking various tasks off my list:

I got my hair done.  Regrowth, goodbye.

Hair Salon

I love the salon vibe and overall environment at my salon.

I just don’t love sitting there for a couple hours.

Hair salon chair

This was my view of the downtown San Diego city skyline while I was sitting in the chair with my feet up and receiving an amazing head massage during my shampoo.

Oh how I love a good head massage, and my stylist gives one of the best, ever.

Hair salon windows

I also had a nice run today despite the weather cooling off from the low 80s we had all week.

Bridge overlooking trees

It’s now in the low 60s and a bit overcast, windy, damp and much cooler than it was, but that brisk air just made me run faster.

And thankfully no cars hit me.

Landscape with pink flowers

I had to run home and:

do my laundry

work on my computer editing photos

and I typed up a recipe that involves lots of this chocolate score

Four squares of Trader Joe's poundplus chocolate

…and peanut butter.

Jar of natural jif peanut butter

Stay tuned.

Right now I’ve got to stop procrastinating getting dinner started and step away from my desk.

I don’t know what we’re having for dinner.

But I do know I am having a White Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookie for dessert.

Stack of White Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookies

Just like I think about the cup of coffee I’ll drink the next morning as I’m falling asleep the night before, I’m usually thinking about dessert I’ll have before I’ve even started making dinner, let alone eating it.

That’s how my brain works.

Does your brain work like that?

What tasks have you crossed off your list today?

Hope you’ve had a nice weekend so far.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. you were SOOOO right about TJ’s chocolate. SOOO right. That pb cup reminds me of matzoh snacks I make during passover. aka matzabrei. Heaven. Simply heaven.

  2. I don’t have much of a to-do list these days, so nothing to cross off … but I did prep dinner for tomorrow night, make chicken stock, and try a new recipe today.

  3. I hate sitting in a salon getting my hair done. I’m just such an antsy person that after 30 minutes I’m like get me out of this chair!! Things I crossed off my list today: getting my eyebrows waxed! It’s been long overdue :) you live in such a gorgeous place — I want to move to California so badly, but I will admit that I’m afraid of that long overdue earthquake :\

  4. I’m totally thinking about dessert. Pretty much any time of day. lol I have never had my hair cut or colored in a salon, but that head massage sounds perrrrfect!

  5. hey there! i have not posted in a long time, but today your one comment compelled me to post–i don’t like sitting at the salon for two hours either–i thought i was the only one : )

  6. Too funny, I also did my roots Saturday. Agreed on sitting for hours, it used to take 3+ hours to foil and highlight my hair back in the day. At home it takes me about an hour now.

    I checked off doing my roots, decluttering the house some more, starting another batch of cultured veggies and sprouted lentils, and watched hubby organize the office some more. :-)

  7. That salon view looks pretty relaxing! I so need to dye my hair. It could also use a good trim as well.

    I usually think about desserts before I begin deciding what to eat. When I’m about to bake something, I’m thinking of it well in advance. I even plan it out the night before sometimes. :-)