

I’ve had a productive day of checking various tasks off my list:

I got my hair done.  Regrowth, goodbye.

Hair Salon

I love the salon vibe and overall environment at my salon.

I just don’t love sitting there for a couple hours.

Hair salon chair

This was my view of the downtown San Diego city skyline while I was sitting in the chair with my feet up and receiving an amazing head massage during my shampoo.

Oh how I love a good head massage, and my stylist gives one of the best, ever.

Hair salon windows

I also had a nice run today despite the weather cooling off from the low 80s we had all week.

Bridge overlooking trees

It’s now in the low 60s and a bit overcast, windy, damp and much cooler than it was, but that brisk air just made me run faster.

And thankfully no cars hit me.

Landscape with pink flowers

I had to run home and:

do my laundry

work on my computer editing photos

and I typed up a recipe that involves lots of this chocolate score

Four squares of Trader Joe's poundplus chocolate

…and peanut butter.

Jar of natural jif peanut butter

Stay tuned.

Right now I’ve got to stop procrastinating getting dinner started and step away from my desk.

I don’t know what we’re having for dinner.

But I do know I am having a White Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookie for dessert.

Stack of White Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookies

Just like I think about the cup of coffee I’ll drink the next morning as I’m falling asleep the night before, I’m usually thinking about dessert I’ll have before I’ve even started making dinner, let alone eating it.

That’s how my brain works.

Does your brain work like that?

What tasks have you crossed off your list today?

Hope you’ve had a nice weekend so far.

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I’m often bad about thinking 10 steps ahead and forgetting to enjoy the moment I’m in. I find that it can stress me out actually so I really try to stop planning so far ahead.

  2. Reading blogs was my #1 to-do today, so check and check. After seeing your beautiful photos, I may have to add “moving to San-Diego” to my list.

  3. I’m usually thinking a few meals (and desserts) ahead, but I’m having a spartan diet this month to make up for my holiday excesses, so I’m attempting to think about food as little as possible. But I’ve been having yummy salads involving shrimp and avocado, and sweet potato fries after my workouts.

    Had a killer boot-camp yesterday morning (sweating profusely even though there was ice on the track) then I pretty much vegged out the rest of the day doing a jig-saw puzzle with Rob. Jig-saw puzzles are like the biggest time-waster in the world (yes, including the internet!) but every several years we get on a kick where we do a bunch of them for a few months, then they disappear into the closet again for another several years. I like to think they’re waking up a sleeping part of my brain.

  4. Your Salon looks so peaceful. Sometimes they’re so hectic on Saturdays. I’m often kept awake with recipes swirling in my head…….glad to hear I’m not the only crazy one!

  5. Aww… Averie, I totally do the same thing when it comes to thinking about the next morning! I’m surprised that I don’t dream about coffee. :)

    You reminded me just how much I love to have someone else wash my hair…sigh….
    Have a good rest of the weekend!

  6. Yes, my brain works just like that; thoughts of what I will eat next often creep into my consciousness. :D Planning it is 80% of the enjoyment!

    1. With everything in life..planning and strategizing is 80% of the enjoyment..or even more!

  7. Aah. Head massages. Nice. I just got half of my hair lopped off, so the salon scene is fresh in my mind. I bet you look lovely and I’m glad you made it through this run unscathed! ;)

  8. I need a haircut as well. Whatever I do typically looks the same… unless I do something drastic!

    PB & chocolate: best combo ever. Can’t wait to see what you make!

    My brain does think about all the other meals I’ll have for the day.

  9. I totally think about the coffee I’m going to drink the next morning too. What did you end up eating for dinn-ah!?

    1. a big salad with edamame, crackers with hot pepper jelly and cream cheese and cookies…and I’m not done yet with dessert. At midnight I need to raid my stash again for midnite snackage :)

  10. Well today I went grocery shopping and updated my blog. Thats about it! It was a lazy day for me!! How did your hair turn out?

  11. Today was all about getting tasks done for me too! I mailed letters, went to the bank, picked up the dry cleaning, washed, dryed, and folded all of my laundry, ran, did some yoga, and made several emails and phone calls. Now I’m settling into some research for an upcoming interview! Busy busy busy. I also went on a bad date, lol.

    1. Hi mu friend! Happy 2012. Bad date…ugh! Well, hopefully the next one is better and my goodness, you were uber! productive today. Love days like that!

  12. I’m such a list person. I feel so empowered when i check something off whether great or small. This morning I cleaned the kitchen, made my healthy breakfast, did some much needed research, and of course blogged. Now it’s off for coffee and then on to the gym before making a healthy dinner. I can’t stop thinking about making that orange almond cake ever since your post on oranges. Tis the next one on the list to get baked! Hope you have a great weekend :)

  13. I love how relaxing your salon looks! I work at a salon here in Maryland and yours looks very similar. And I always, always, ALWAYS think about dessert before I even make/eat dinner. I think that’s the best way to live ;) Have a great weekend, Averie!