

Happy Chanukah wishes from Aruba to those who are celebrating.

Aruba sand and ocean

Scott said he has no plans to go to Temple after the sun sets and that he’d rather be on the beach.

Aruba beach with umbrellas in distance

He never has plans to go to Temple but that’s another story.

He said if he could get in on another Ho Ho with Cream Cheese Frosting, that one of those would be more up his alley than services tonight.

Ho Hos with Cream Cheese Frosting and Candles

Our plans for later tonight include:

a family walk on this path after he gets off his conference call

Aruba path with palm trees

Some dinner but my veggie stash is rapidly dwindling and it’s back to slim pickins’ on the island.

And maybe a little E! Channel.  One of the only stations we get here that’s in English is the E! Channel.  The Kardashians and the new show, Scouted, have been in repeated rotation the past couple weeks.  There are worse ways to spend time and kill an hour.

While I’m watching mindless tv, I’ll engage in some mindless eating.  I’m thinking White Chocolate & Peanut Butter Puppy Chow.

White Chocolate & Peanut Butter Puppy Chow Bowls

How will you be spending your evening tonight?

Thanks for the 30 Day Home Fitness Program Giveaway entries

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  1. Lovely beach pics, so nice! I spent the evening shopping and working out. :-) Bot too exciting for a work night.

  2. Ooooh that beach looks perfect. You know, just because I live right on the ocean and spend part of the year on the island of Bahrain…I never see water that looks like that. I think I need to take a trip to a lovely beach soon – it’s been too long!

    Okay, you are a genius. I adore puppy chow and Cody lives for white chocolate…and you’ve combined the two. THANK YOU!

  3. Happy Chanukah to you! Looks like you’ve lit some candles anyway. I’m glad you’re enjoying all that beauty and hopefully resting up some.

    I’m working tonight (at home), and will probably heat some hot water up pretty soon to wash up!

  4. I would LIKE to be spending my night chomping down on that puppy chow. Well, I think I’m just going to have to make some!

  5. I am spending my time away from the kitchen tonight. Trying my level best not to scarfed down jammie dodger cookies I baked earlier :D Happy Holidays, sweetie :)

  6. I spent my evening getting a massage at the spa, then blogging and watching Home Alone 2 with the hubby :-)

  7. Oh how I love puppy chow! I’ll have to try yours! :) I spent the evening baking for my isntructors and students and then working on the good ol blog! Your pictures are always absolutely amazing!

  8. I didn’t even think of this when I read your post about ho hos, but I have a link and talk about ho hos in a post I’m doing TOMORROW. Twilight zone….

    My evening tonight is going to be low key – finishing up some gifts and a movie. Maybe sampling one of the gifts. You know…quality control and all that. ;)

  9. Quiet night at our hotel room … we are enjoying the beach with Dante … he was exhausted by the time we left him at the boarding facility … the sky looks beautiful … enjoy!

  10. Just got off a fulllll day of jury duty, so I plan on knocking out a good workout then kicking up my feet! Have a nice evening :)

  11. on the couch, with my husband, by our Christmas tree catching up on Boardwalk Empire! He’s in charge of dinner tonight…a little black bean quesadillas! And maybe sneaking a slice of my mom’s leftover apple pie for dessert :)

  12. My husband & I just had our 3rd little girl on December 15th. She is up all night and sleeps all day! I still think she is precious even in the wee hours of the morning! :-) Considering we live in Central, MN we are locked up tight in the house. Ugh! Can you see why I appreciate those ocean pictures?! Every year we normally take a ocean vacation, but with 3 girls 4 and under…we are going to pass this year! I think it would be more work than good at this point. Amen?! Ha! On that note – Enjoy that beach tonight with your family….I can hear the waves right about now!

    1. congrats on the birth of your new baby! I grew up in the middle of no where MN (Glencoe and then Minnetonka) so can totally relate to the weather you’re having. Which is why we moved to San Diego AND why we really appreciate the weather here…b/c I know what a -40F windchill means! Enjoy your new bundle of joy!

  13. Sounds like a lovely night! Tonight I’m hosting a dessert party — I’m making a gluten free pumpkin pie! Happy Chanukah!

  14. Sometimes being in a beautiful place is the ideal way to connect with yourself, with your faith, etc.