Trader Joe’s Peanut Flour Discontinued


You may have been living under a rock and never knew peanut flour existed.

Bag of Peanut Flour

Inside bag of peanut flour

Or that it’s become a very hot commodity in the blogosphere the past few months.

Peanut Flour in scoop

But if you want to make these cookies, you’d better make them now.

Of course, you can use other flours but the peanut flour worked especially nicely. If being gluten-free is important for your dietary needs, make sure you use flour from a gluten-free contract manufacturing company with quality certifications.

Vegan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chips Cookies with Peanut Flour

Hand holding one Vegan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chips Cookie with Peanut Flour
Backside of cookie
Vegan GF Peanut Butter Caramel Chocolate Chips Cookie with Peanut Flour up close

What’s the rush, you ask?

Well, apparently TJ’s is discontinuing carrying peanut flour due to low sales.   You’d think the blogosphere was single-handedly keeping sales up. Julie, Deb, and Gabriela I know were at least helping keep 4th quarter sales up.

I’ve heard that TJ’s is bringing in a gluten free flour, instead. It seems that more people want GF flour than Peanut flour.

A few months ago I wrote a post about why TJ’s is successful, what products of theirs are private labeled especially for them, and various other TJ’s Trivia if you care to read itYou may be surprised to learn that Stacy’s Pita Chips and TJ’s in-house brand are one in the same.

Disclaimer: The information I have is word of mouth from TJ’s employees and from various other blog posts I have read.  I have searched the internet for written “proof” but nothing comes up.  Then again, would discontinuing peanut flour really make front page google news to people other than bloggers?

What else do I make with Peanut Flour?

Cinnamon Sugar Peanut Buttery Chickpea “Peanuts” with Peanut Flour

Not the prettiest food, but they taste heavenly
Close up of Cinnamon Sugar Peanut Buttery Chickpea "Peanuts"
Cinnamon Sugar Peanut Buttery Chickpea "Peanuts" in clear container

Those are cinnamon + sugar + peanut flour little “nuts” and boy, they are addictive!

A few Cinnamon Sugar Peanut Buttery Chickpea "Peanuts" on bottom of container

You can also make my Carmelized Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Chickpea “Peanuts” if you don’t have peanut flour.  And none of us will have peanut flour for much longer so get used to this recipe.

Carmelized Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Chickpea "Peanuts" on foil lined pan
Overhead of Carmelized Cinnamon Sugar Roasted Chickpea "Peanuts"


But if you aren’t a fan of peanut flour, or never even had the chance to try it, but still have a soft spot in your heart for peanut butter, try making a Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter & Oat Snack Bar

Microwave Chocolate Peanut Butter & Oat Snack Bar

Or make some Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Balls (or Sunflower Seed/Almond/Cashew Butter balls)

Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Balls
Close up of Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Balls

From my last post about Target Finds and Smoothie Helpers, it was fun to hear what you put in your cart at Target.

And what you like, or don’t like, to put into your smoothies and your views on smoothie “optimizers” or additional powders or helpers.  Many of you say you have tried Vega products and are fans of them.

Oh, and quite a few people thought that the Vega samples I mentioned were a Target find.  No. I went to Target, came home, and found Vega samples waiting for me in the mail.  Just wanted to clear that up so no one runs out to Target thinking they are going to score Vega at their local Tar-jay.


1. Have you tried peanut flour?  Thoughts if you did?

Yes, I have (obviously) tried it and I like it but I will be honest, too much peanut flour (or too many beans) and my GI system don’t always get along super well.

So although I love the taste of peanut flour, my tummy doesn’t always love it.  A little is fine but I could never make “peanut flour paste” that I saw so many bloggers make and use without major GI upheaval.

2. Will you miss peanut flour if you are a fan?

There are online sites that sell peanut flour, and there is also PB2, but based on price and convenience, TJ’s is much better for me on all fronts.

I will miss it, of course, but since I wasn’t as much of a fan as some people, I’ll live.

3. Foods you’ve Seen in the Sphere that you’ve been inspired to try, for better or for worse?

Not a comprehensive list but some of my favorites include…

Sun Warrior Brown Rice Protein Powder


Hemp Seeds


Coconut Oil


And now, I can’t imagine my life without those things.

Things I’ve tried because of the sphere but still don’t really love include Hemp Protein, Dulse Flakes, and I don’t know, I’m drawing a blank.

The power of blogs is remarkable.  What have you tried because of blogs or anything new you’re tried lately? Did you like it?

Have a great Hump Day!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Ahhhh, bummer ’bout the peanut flour. Here I was really enjoying having it on hand for those cookies. I think I’ll make some peanut flavored hot cocoa this afternoon to honor it.

    I actually just left some online feedback for TJ’s, asking them not to discontinue it. I’m like you–too much PF isn’t good for me. My naturopath encourages me to limit peanuts to keep my skin looking its best. So like you, I’ll live. But disappointing to not have the option.

    Link in case anyone wants to hollah at TJoe’s:

    The blogosphere has turned me on to some of the same stuff: nutritional yeast, liquid stevia, hemp seeds, maca (sort of meh on maca, truth be told), I’m sure there are other things, but I gotta run.

    Have a great day. :-)

  2. Oh no!! I love peanut flower!!! I make blueberry peanut pancakes with it :( Good thing I have 2 bags of it in the house, hmm, maybe I should pick up another 2! lol

  3. i work at whole foods, and it’s totally the same there. we use a lot of our vendors to make for our private brand..

  4. NOOOOO Trader Joes, why do you do this! I love my peanut flour and I remember they also use to carry chocolate and pb covered malt balls and now those are gone. :( Lame! I will make these cookies though. Thanks for the awesome recipe Averie!

  5. I have blogs to thank for most of my eating habits now! Nooch, coconut milk, greek yogurt, sunflower seed butter….there are so many foods (and food preparations, like oatmeal!) that I never would have discovered if I hadn’t started reading blogs. And I definitely would not have become a successful vegetarian without seeing the success of so many! Averie, blogs like yours help me to live a healthier life!

  6. I hate it when I fall in love with a product and incorporate it into my standard diet and then it gets discontinued. (That happened with a spicy broth I adore; I’m down to my last two containers!) Stock up on that peanut flour and keep it in a cool place in an airtight container! I myself never used the peanut flour, because peanuts don’t agree with Rob.

    I’m in deep doo-doo if coconut oil becomes scarce. Which, according to a message from Tropical Traditions, could happen if coconut sugar becomes too popular.

  7. Have no fear! I recently got peanut flour online from, for those who are looking for alternatives once TJs runs out. It’s by the brand Protein Plus and it’s $6.99 for a pound… I actually never tried the TJs version, but this one is pretty good, and I assume they would taste similarly! I’ve been including it in lots of baked goods, and your cookies just reminded me that I should try something like that! They sure do look yummy ;)

  8. Oh no I love peanut flour!! I can’t believe it had low sales, at least at my location — it always seemed to be running out! I made my best cookies EVER with peanut flour. Boohoo. =(

    1. i know, crazy..right? but i think So Cal shopping habits are different from other places which may be why it’s always out of stock here, and in other parts of the country, not as much of a hit.

  9. This must be a sick joke. Low sales?! Giiiirl, we are all using the stuff like it’s nobody’s business! Good thing I just had a friend of mine bring me approx. 4 of them:)

    I am dying to try Sun Warrior! Lately I’ve been digging putting maca, cacao nibs, and cacao powder with some vega protein in my Cookie Dough Bowls. Zing, energy! :)

  10. I’m so sad about the TJ peanut flour! Really, you’d think the blogosphere alone would prevent low sales. Products I’ve tried because of blogs: nutritional yeast, stevia, coconut butter, rice protein powder, chia seeds. Some have became staples (nooch and stevia) others not so much (chia seeds).

  11. Whaaaaaaat? I’ve been waiting til March (when i’m heading to NYC) to grab some peanut flour (can’t get it anywhere around here)….nooooo!! So sad:(

  12. I am so glad you mentioned that! The TJ’s peanut flour is still available in four packs on Amazon as of right now, so I just placed an order! I only just recently tried peanut flour and I love it for adding an extra protein boost to my smoothies or mixing in yogurt, so now I can prolong my newest blog food find a little bit longer. :)

  13. Wow, I can’t believe peanut flour is being discontinued…it really does seem like everyone’s been using it these days! I’ve definitely been influenced by blogs for a lot of my now staple ingredients…especially chia seeds and nutritional yeast. Must have them on hand at all times!!

  14. Great, now that I have learned of this product, I also learned that I cannot get it anymore, :-(

    I love peanuts…and the cookies in the pics look great.