I have been in Turbo Mode this week. Between working full time, single parenting many days of the month because Scott travels for his work, and just getting my errands ran, my blog tended to, food made, clothes washed, butts wiped, and finding time for a great meetup with a wonderful friend, I have been rushing around in fifth gear all week. Not something new, though.
Yesterday I went to
Trader Joe’s
regular grocery store
picked up a prescription
tanned (in preparation for our impromptu vacation that’s coming up)
got in a 3 mile run and a 20 minute at home workout
and then I still had to go to my paid work.
So pretty much I just sat around on the couch eating peanut butter caramel chocolate chip cookies (vegan, GF). Kidding. Sleep? What’s that?
I have been making food on the fly like salads with fresh veggies
Dressed with homemade Vegan Slaw Dressing
I’ve wanted to make up some Salsa & Cheezey Baked Beans & Vegetables too
Makes a decent quantity so I have planned leftovers for future meals which saves me precious time!
Desserts are always in order. Even when in turbo mode.
Something easy, one bowl, no baking required, not a lot of dishes. And Chocolaty.
Raw Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs
From my last post, Easter Baskets and Celebrating, it was interesting to hear your thoughts on Easter and religious holidays and what holidays, if any, you celebrate and identify with.
And what fun memories many of you shared about your childhood Easter baskets. To everyone who’s celebrating Easter or Passover, I hope your holidays are happy and fun-filled!
1. Have you been running around in Turbo Mode at all lately? If so, what have you been turbo’ing through?
I like to take time to smell the roses. Or the hibiscus flowers. This week just hasn’t been that kind of week. Oh well, soon enough I’ll be on a little vacation but up until then, duty calls.
2. Fill in the Blanks…
The best thing that happened to me today is _____
The chore I am putting off is_____
My favorite dessert of all time is_____
My answers:
I got 5 hours of sleep. But not all strung together. Better than 4 though.
Changing the sheets on my bed.
No Bake Nutter Butter Special K Bars with Chocolate Frosting
Not sure they are my favorite of all time, but peanut butter, peanut butter cookies, brown sugar, vanilla, topped with chocolate makes me incredibly happy. This week at least.
Enjoy your almost Friday!
Phew! I get tired just reading how busy you were!! :D
The best thing that happened to me today is I found out I am PREGNANT!!!!! YAAAY!
The chore I am putting off is vacuuming.
My favorite dessert of all time is Tiramisu! YUM!
Looking forward to Vacation pics and adventure stories!!!
CONGRATS!!!!!!! Wow!!
The things I learn about in my comment field always astound me…thank you for sharing and many blessings to you!
I have been in Turbo Mode like CRAZY this past week! School is definitely catching up with me with the end of the semester approaching and it’s been stressful, but I’m hanging in there. Like you, busy is the norm for me!
1) Getting an Easter package from my mom in the mail with PINK shorts and sleep shirt
2) Cleaning my bathroom – least favorite chore!
3) Lemon meringue pie… SO good!
Yes this week has been busy, not turbo but busy for my usual pace. How exciting you are going away again. Good for you!
You are amazing Averie. You inspire me :)
i have been really busy too. I loathe the end of semesters!
thank you :)
I am going to be optomistic and say that the best thing to happen to me today WILL be the doughboy smoothie I am having for dinner compliments of KERF. It’s in the fridge right now soaking.
What chore am I NOT putting off? This place is a disaster..
My favorite dessert of all time is chocolate lava cake. But at the moment it’s dairy queen blizzards :) Always chocolate ice cream, always oreo cookie and cookie dough. Sadly, always a small since I’m pretty sure I would eat a large in one sitting!
I have DEFINITELY been in turbo-mode lately– I’m hoping my long weekend at home will reverse that! :-)
I have been in huge TURBO mode the last several weeks! Tons of food photography and articles for the magazine which is awesome! I love being busy like this.
per the email, that’s AWESOME!
The best thing that happened to me today is my glorious afternoon run.
The chore I am putting off is doing dishes.
My favorite dessert of all time is tiramisu!
have you ever tried nayonaise? i like vegenaise, but was just wondering. it’s funny, even when i ate dairy, i HATED mayo. also disliked cream cheese, cheese, and really most dairy other than ice cream or what was cooked into a recipe.
i’m glad you go to 2 grocery stores too. i make a weekly trip to TJs and then go to the one 5 minutes from my house multiple times a week.
nayonaise is no where near as good as vegenaise, IMO.
I prefer vegenasise to Hellman’s, or any other real mayo. I just dig it :)
The TJ’s and groc store share a parking lot so it makes the two store thing very easy!
I have definitely been running around in turbo mode lately! It’s the last 2 weeks of my final semester of undergrad – so between that, being a Mom, taking care of a home, and finding time to workout/eat healthy – I’ve been turboing right along with ya! :)
congrats on being a working mom/a student, and balancing it all!
Yes, it’s spring, the sap is rising, it’s light all the time and it’s manic mode! Incredible that you get two posts up per day! I manage one every two days and that’s about as much as works.
Glad that you’re still enjoying fresh, delicious, beautiful food whilst whirling around like a dervish.
I have so many chores, and we’re turning our tiny side room into a kitchen, which is a whole brainexercise and upheaval.
Glad you’re taking a vacation!
well your two a week is perfect for you:)
wow, that is a great list of errands ACCOMPLISHED!! glad you MADE time for the tan…yup, i go to tan, too…but haven’t made it there this week, boo hoo.
this week has been busier than normal (more work!), and like you, i cut out some sleep. i always think back to your classic quote, which i love: “i’ll sleep when i’m dead.” :)
off to do errands myself, now.
best thing that happened to me today was my whole day! just a good one, today!
the chore i am putting off is spring cleaning.
best dessert of all time is apple crisp.
hope that vacation is coming SOON!!!!
not soon enough :)
The best thing that happened to me today is taking the day off from working out, so I had more time to go grocery shopping and I found a new favorite yogurt :) It’s the little things in life…
The best thing that happened to me today is getting an email from a friend I haven’t heard from in weeks.
The chore I am putting off is taking a few loads of junk to Goodwill.
My favorite dessert of all time is banana cream pie!
I haven’t been in turbo mode lately, usually that doesn’t happen until the weekends when I try to get a million things done. I want to get to the grocery store today since I’m sure Fri and Sat will be super busy with the Easter shoppers.
I am TOTALLY on turbo today – and LOVE it!! :) most days I have energy, but the ones where it’s ZOOM I try to take advantage! :)
The best thing that happened to me today is – I made a connection at the gym this morning – a girl and I talked while running and she is thinking about gluten free… we are going to start running together outdoors (when it’s not raining!) :) and I’m going to help her with GF meal planning! :D
The chore I am putting off is – OMG cleaning the bathroom. today it WILL get done. UGH.
My favorite dessert of all time is – cheesecake? yes, I think so. right now I have such a bad craving for gummi bears…
…and my Grandpa Z always told me to Stop and Smell the Roses… <3 I do, a lot…
You are a CRAZY woman, in a great way :) You do so much–make sure & take SOME time for you and you only :)