

Since Skylar started her new school, I feel like I’ve started school, too.  Nearly every week there’s something that needs to be made, brought in for show and tell, supplies to gather and bring in for various craft projects the teachers are going to do with the kids, and this week it’s Valentine’s Day, which is code for: a Project That Mom Needs to Handle.  I’ve become good friends with tape, crayons, glue, and scissors lately.

Kids valentines cards and candy packets

I prepared a couple dozen Valentines for Skylar’s nearest and dearest, complete with candyless Valentine’s treats affixed.  I spotted these in the grocery store next to the pink-wrapped Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and although I would have preferred handing out peanut butter cups (and as a kid I would have preferred receiving them), but for Skylar’s classmates I chose something fruit-based rather than chocolate-based.

Strawberry valentine nugget snacks packets

I can’t wait to see what Valentines she brings home and how she likes the Valentine’s exchange with her classmates.

Disney princess valentines cards

Later in the week it’s Count-To-100 Day and I have to send one hundred of something.  I’m sending 100 pennies.

I’d like to send Ritz-Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups but once again, I’m sure others will appreciate pennies more than peanut butter cups.

Ritz-Stuffed Peanut Butter Cups

Did you exchange Valentines with your classmates?

Do you remember wanting to receive Valentine’s from certain people?

I remember wanting to receive Valentines from a certain zit-faced fourteen year old junior varsity football quarterback with a crackling voice and overly gelled hair who I thought was so cute.  Valentines from certain popular girls at the lunch table who didn’t typically talk to me unless they wanted to copy my homework come to mind would have ironically been cherished, too.

I hope that Skylar gets Valentines from everyone her little heart desires and at this stage in the game (kindergarten-aged), everyone gets a Valentine from everyone, which I think is so sweet especially when they’re little.

Winners of the Cookbook Giveaway announced in the next post

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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  1. My mom is really creative and artistic, so I always had amazing home made Valentines and the prettiest shoe box!

    1. Your mom is one of those moms that I saw today dropping off their kids with these ELABORATE valentines. I was like…wow, her mommmy doesn’t write a blog and cook and photograph as I much as I do :)

  2. Valentine’s Day is always so fun when you’re a little kid– I can’t wait to do things like this with Lila :-)

  3. My kids are still too young for school (I might do preschool for Abbi this fall – still not sure yet) but I can’t wait! I always loved valentines as a kid.

  4. Used to love elementary school Valentine’s! I think it was waaaaay more fun back then! Making a fancy box, getting a couple dozen valentines, and sorting the cards from candy when home. I remember one year I made a box in the shape of a giant “Sweetheart,” and another I gave out red fortune cookies made from foam and filled with candy. Why can’t Valentine’s still be like that?

  5. Happy Valentines Day Averie! I am sure Skylar will love the exchange. Even as a teacher I find it fun helping the kids give their cards to one another (and yes, everyone gets one from everyone!). I remember the big thing in highschool was waiting to see if my boyfriend would ask me to the Valentines dance…. he did :)

  6. Aww, this is so nostalgic – I used to love Valentine’s Day as a kid, with exchanging valentines and all. I think the kids will love the fruity snack :)

  7. I don’t ever remember exchanging cards/treats at school – it’s such a nice tradition, especially when the children are younger. I hope Skylar gets a good haul!

  8. I continue to want Valentines. I never wanted them from anyone specific though and didn’t expect them. I like them more as an adult when I can get more creative and DIY.

  9. I always LOVED Valentine’s Day and filling out & giving away cute little Disney cards! The candy was definitely a bonus, too! =)

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Averie!

  10. My high school student council sold carnations on V-Day as a fundraiser…red for love, pink for like, white for friendship. During the last period of the day, flowers would be delivered…we’d all be anxiously awaiting to see how many flowers and which colors we received!

  11. Ahh, I remember the days when we used to do valentine’s day cards… It’s so sad that we don’t do that in high school anymore… I feel like that would be a good tradition to continue.