Weekend Bests


I hope you’ve had a nice weekend so far.

My weekend bests have included:

Some mess making in the name of baking.

Chocolate mixed in red mixing bowl with bag of powdered sugar and pink spatula

Plenty of dishes have been dirtied.

Green bowl in sink and red blue and purple bowls stacked next to sinkThe bowls are these. Someone usually asks about them.

Donut making has ensued.

donuts baking in donut pan

They’re a tweak on the Baked Cinnamon Bun Donuts with Cream Cheese Glaze

Baked Cinnamon Bun Donuts with Cream Cheese Glaze

Recipe coming soon for the new donuts.

After all that donut taste-testing I was able to enjoy a nice run.  The dreary and rainy weather we had Friday lifted and it was much nicer on Saturday.  On the chilly side, but sunny.

Street with traffic light and cars lined up on the side of the street

Another weekend best was yoga.  At home yoga.  I used to love my weekend yoga classes in studios but these days, I prefer to practice in the peace and quiet of my own house, on my time schedule, and at my pace doing the poses I want.   And the best part, it’s free.

Black yoga mat on hardwood floor

There’s been time with Scott and Skylar.  For about ten minutes on Saturday Scott rubbed my feet and Skylar rubbed my back.  They volunteered to give me a little massage.  I love massages and that was the best ten minutes of the week, I tell you.

I also went thrift shopping and hit the bloggie and photography dishes jackpot.  My favorite thrift store never fails to disappoint.
shelves of dishes and glasses

The other best of the week(end) were these cookies
Chocolate chip peanut butter oatmeal cookies stacked

I hope your weekend has had some bests.


What are your weekend bests so far?

Best thing you’ve eaten or done?

P.S.  Winner announced tomorrow for the Cookbook Giveaway

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Oh my goodness, those doughnuts! You NEED to post the recipe for those doughnuts – they look amazing! :-)

  2. Those cookies look SOOOO good!!

    My Best: Definitely a tie between going out to dinner at the place in DC called 2amy’s and this beautiful fall weather we’re enjoying here in MD.

    And the best thing I’ve eaten recently would have to be the deep fried risotto balls with mozzarella that I had as an appetizer on Friday. Pure euphoria! :)

  3. I’m so jealous on the massage… and the donuts.

    I tried to make some doughnut nugget kind of spin-off with some substitutions (using what I’ve go) and it kind of turned out like a dry cake. Ah well.

    Best thing I’ve done this weekend: curled up for some snuggles and watched Good Will Hunting.

    Best thing I’ve made/eaten: peanut-butter banana smoothie after my run this morning.

  4. can not WAIT to try the donut recipe. bookmarked, saved, pinned, etc etc…all that’s left to do is make those beautiful things and enjoy! xo

  5. Sounds like a perfect mix for you this weekend! Glad it’s been a good one.
    My bests…. going out to dinner at an irish pub with my friends and a fun irish band playing music. Doing homework with some friends at panera downtown and enjoying a latte. A little cooking in the kitchen. And this lazy sunday morning I’m enjoying right now!

  6. You are one lucky girl with those massages, my lady!
    Weekend highlights – 3 successful shows so far, 1 to go,..looking forward to doing NOTHING tonight after the show!

  7. Your home is so lovely. I started my holiday shopping (success) and my Thanksgiving grocery list. Today I am taking a photo walk to photograph the lovely fall color, and later this evening I am going to bake a loaf of pumpkin-walnut bread. It’s been a nice weekend, low-key, just the way I like it.

  8. Glad you have been having a nice weekend so far! My weekend has been honestly awesome – yesterday I got to shoot some videos for the blog, took a 2 hour nap (unheard of!!) and we went to a 80’s themed bowling event. Awesome.

  9. Sounds lovely :) I’m glad the weather turned around and that you got in some baking and a mini massage ;). We’ve had a very eventful weekend over her (as you saw). Today we have family pictures- hoping they go well. Thanks for your comment today :) Luckily, its not TOO bad and I’m hoping it heals up well. Definitely worth it !

  10. I love your bowls that are in the sink! That may be an odd observation…but they are awesome! :) Glad you have had a good weekend!

    1. Every single time I post anything in them…someone notices or asks about them. Not odd :)

  11. A) Your photos are simply exquisite, as always.
    B) You’ve inspired me to make my own donuts.
    C) I went thrift store shopping this weekend, too! I scored a dress, two tops and a skirt for $20!

    Happy Weekend!

  12. Hi Averie, Sorry if people have asked you this before but I was wondering if you use the GF flours in your cooking? I have gluten intolerance to trace gluten and it would be nice to see someone with the same intolerance being able to tolerate it again. Can’t imagine going for a run after taste testing donuts! =S

  13. The weather looks gorgeous! Enjoy it! So sweet that Scott and Skylar gave you a massage… some of the best gifts are the simplest ones. :)

  14. what a great weekend, so far, averie!
    me – fun working at the store yesterday – i love retail! slept an extra hour since the clocks turned back. lots on the to do list for today but #1 is enjoying some sunshine outside this aft, after work!