Weekend Happiness


Did you have a nice weekend?  Maybe you’re still enjoying your weekend because you have Monday off in light of Columbus Day or maybe you’re Canadian and are still basking in the post-Thanksgiving glow.

I had a nice weekend but it flew by.  Weekends always seem to go by quicker than other days of the week.  I’m sure you can relate.

But it was a happy weekend because I spent some time at the park with Scott and Skylar.

Tree in green landscape park

It was nice to just be together.   Spending more time as a family, even an extra hour or two here or there and whenever we can grab it, was an October goal.  So far so good on that one.

We also had a kiddie birthday party to attend.  Plenty of laughter, shrieking, cupcake eating, running around, and 5 year old antics ensued.

Chocolate cupcake with yellow frosting and raspberriesHappy times were had by all.

I also saw these…

Jet-Puffed Ghost Marshmallows brown and white shaped like ghosts

…and I saw Funfetti brownie mix, spray-on frosting, and Funfetti frosting, and it’s probably so wrong…

Pillsbury Halloween Funfetti brownies, Easy Frost Frosting Halloween, and Halloween Frosting…But it felt so right and it made me happy to think about what I could make with it all.  Hmmm…

So far, we’re still working on the Oatmeal Raisin Cookies so I really don’t need to bake anything else.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies stackedBut I like to bake.  Even if I don’t need to.  I find it relaxing, therapeutic, fun, and it just makes me happy.  This made me happy, too.

The winner of the Silpat Giveaway is:

Katie October 6, 2011

“Cookies. I need to make more cookies! I am earning a reputation at work for being the cookie baker, and its been a couple weeks. I need to keep my reputation!

I’m thinking those snickers cookies would be a hit. I mean, DUH, right?”

Congrats, Katie!


1. What made you happy over the weekend?  Do you have Monday off?

2. Does baking, cooking, or spending time in the kitchen make you happy?  Stress you out?

It used to stress me out and I didn’t enjoy it, at all.  I was scared of it.   The kitchen, cooking, baking, new recipes, experimenting and trying new things left me intimidated and scared to try.

Once I fully realized and embraced the notion that the worst that can happen is something doesn’t turn out and you have to pitch it and that the only way one can learn is by trying, practicing, and just going for it, I learned that not only was cooking not so bad, but I love it now.

Baking, coming up with recipes, combining whatever ingredients I have on hand to come up with something new, trying new recipes I read about, it’s fun and makes me happy to make and create.

Doing the dishes?  That doesn’t make me happy.  Wish I had a kitchen assistant for those.

If you’re just catching up on posts from the weekend, here are mine

Have a great (and hopefully short) week!


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  1. Cooking and spending time in the kitchen definitely relax me … but when I need to relax the most, I often don’t have the time to do these things, and that is frustrating.

  2. I love spending time in the kitchen. It´s kind of a therapy for me ;)
    Also, as I love eating, it´s only natural for me to enjoy the process of preparing meals.
    Glad you have overcome your fear :)

  3. I go back and forth with actually liking cooking or not. Often I think I don’t because I hate wasting food when something doesn’t turn out. But I also like experimenting because it means I get to try new things. At least with baking and desserts it’s pretty hard to not like sugary goodness!

  4. Cooking is usually a stress reliever for me – unless I don’t want to be cooking. :)
    We are still in the process of moving and I’m SO looking forward to cooking again, it has been a few weeks and I’m really missing having my own kitchen!

  5. so funny! b/c I totally just posted about how much baking stresses me out… i hate it… but it intrigues me so I keep trying to get the hang of the procedures and measurements! =) you have a gift my friend!

    glad you had a lovely weekend! xoxo

  6. I love spending time in the kitchen. It definitely makes me happy, especially when someone else cleans up for me. ;-)

  7. I wish I had today off, seems like so many other people did! Sounds like a great weekend and all the Halloween goodies makes me want to head to Apple Hill.

    1. Getting in some relaxing and shopping. Nope, had to work today.
    2. It usually makes me happy, especially when I just playing and working on ideas and not under a time crunch.

  8. I wish I could say I had off but sadly for some reason my district does not take off for Columbus Day.
    Did have a great weekend though apple picking! I think I need to find those Pilsbury Funfetti brownies pretty much asap!

  9. Generally, I find cooking relaxing. It’s kind of my “me” time. However, if I’m in a rush, it definitely stresses me out! I make every effort to make an awesome dinner every night, which take time. It’s always worth it!
    Oh, and ive got oatmeal raisin cookies on the brain!

  10. Baking makes me incredible happy. If I’m bored, if it’s a rainy day, if I desperately need sweets, or if I just simply get the urge to bake – it always makes me happy. But then I end up with a fridge full of baked goods, eyes bigger than my stomach, and 5 extra pounds. It’s a double edged sword!