Weekend Pictures, Free Samples & Do You Take Them, Readers Requests, Off Limits Topics


Hi Friends!  Wow this weekend vanished before my very eyes!  Holy moley it flew by!  Why oh why must that happen.  The crazy thing is that summer is going to be over before you know it.  I can feel fall in the air.  Crazy but true.  Coastal San Diego never gets hot.  I have not ran my A/C other than for 2 hours the entire summer.  It has been an unseasonably cool summer here and of course, it can get warm and downright hot here in late August and all through September and in my opinion, some of the best weather of the year is September and October here, but it’s just crazy to think how fast this year and all of life is passing!

Over the weekend I went to the grocery store and there’s a vitamin and supplements store right next to the grocery store and they were handing out free samples of products.

Free samples of various vitamins and supplements on countertop

Even though I can’t tolerate and digest whey and most soy-based protein powders, Scott can.  So I snagged a couple of these! 

Pack of Syntha-6 Carmel Latte Protein Powder
  Carmel Latte.  Wish I could try it!

And this Fat Burner, i.e. Metabolic Activator

Pack od Endoburn CapsulesSupplement facts on back of capsules
 Thiamin & Chromium based.  Scott loves stuff like this.  He likes the wired feeling feeling of energy.

And there was also these Natural Vitamin & Mineral Supplements free for the taking.

Two packages of Natural Vitamin & Mineral Supplements
Close up of Source of Life RED Multi-Vitamin packageClose up of Source of Life Mini Tabs

Awhile back I reviewed Miracle Reds & Macro Greens

Boxes of Miracle Reds & Macro GreensMiracle Reds & Macro Greens bars
 The packaging on the free samples reminds me a lot of Miracle Reds & Macro Greens and it made me think My Review of them.

We went for a couple nice walks through Balboa Park.  The San Diego Zoo is within Balboa Park and we walk by it every day.  Such great weather!  Low 70s, breezy, and not a cloud in the sky.   

Sign for San Diego Zoo
 Love the climate here and this is just one of 987987 reasons I could never call Phoenix home!  9 months there was 9 months too many!  And thanks to everyone who tells me that I seem happier in my posts since moving back to San Diego.  That’s because I AM! 

Here’s my Precious Little Skylar and me

Woman in workout close squatting next to young girl in stroller
Woman in workout clothes standing next to young girl in stroller smiling


She was feeling lovey dovey.  She Melts Me.
Woman and young girl hugging while in stroller
Close up of woman and young girl hugging while in stroller

From Yesterday…
I am so glad you enjoyed my post about a Day in the Life Of.  I was wondering if you guys were going to like seeing a sample day from me. Just my errands and “real life stuff” that I do.

Outside RadioShack Store

I am happy that it was interesting to you and many of you told me you really like seeing people’s real lives and what they do and where they go.   I am the same way.  Which is why I find myself having lots of life stuff interjected with the food and recipes. 

And many of you told me that you enjoy the fact that my blog is very open and real.  As I mentioned, my life is, by and large, an open book on the blog.  Yes, I do keep some things private as we all do, but bloggers are people too, as Katie mentioned, and we all have lives.  I just choose to air all my dirty laundry the things I do or partake in, such as Splenda or Tanning.  Most of you enjoy going to blogs where people reveal lots of personal details or are very open, but it was a mixed bag if you actually are that open on your own blog or with the total strangers you encounter in your daily life. 

Tanning Bed

Great comments on the Tanning question!

Woman standing next to tanning bed

Many of you told me that in the past you’ve tanned in beds, and you many of you don’t keep it up anymore, not because you are holier than thou, as Naomi said, but because it can get pricey and you’re frugal.  I actually bought a package for $39.99 and I get unlimited tanning for the month.  There are tons of different beds to choose from, and not just the crappy intro level ones, so that’s nice!  And for anyone who mentioned the cleanliness factor, the place I go to actually cleans the beds in front of you so you can be sure it was indeed cleaned.

And yes, the whole Discussion of Vitamin D Deficiency was a good one.  Check it out if you missed it.  Some of you get it through supplements and some of you get it through the natural sun or through the UV rays in tanning beds.  One way or the other, make sure you are getting adequate levels of D in your life.  Most of us, even those of us who do go in the sun or tanning beds, can be depleted or deficient.

And to those of you who feel like you’re ships passing in the night with your spouse or significant other.  Oh my, I am living that life right now but I know it won’t always be this way.  Life ebbs and flows and cycles and is always in a state of flux so I don’t stress out about it.  For those of you who spend tons of time with your spouse or sig other, that’s how Scott and I used to be.  Worked from home, no child, just each other and it was great and one day again, I know we will be less ships passing and more quality time.

I mentioned that I have a part-time job and worked Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and will continue to do so, so that of course contributes to the ships passing phenomenon.  Oh well, life happens!

Dessert: Raw Vegan Caramels and Nut Butter Filled Caramel Bites 

Raw Vegan Caramels stacked in bowl
Nut Butter Filled Caramel Bites 
Nut Butter Filled Caramel Bites on parchment paper
The Caramels Have 3 Ingredients.  Make them!


Gym & Weights Workout Today From This Tab: Day 5 – Shoulders/Triceps/Biceps using my Home Gym & Bowflex and did Abs with my Exercise Balls from This Post

Tip of the Day:  My Terra Chips $25 Prize Pack Give Away!

Terra Chips

Four Packages of Terra Chips
Have fun everyone!  Thanks Terra Chips!


***The contest ends on Wednesday, August 11, 2010***


Click Here to Enter!

1. Best Thing You Ate or Did All Weekend?

Me = This Hug & Kiss from Skylar!
Woman and child kissing

2.  When you see free samples do you take them?  What if you have no use for them?  Do you still take it?
I think most people when they see anything that’s free automatically want it, grab it, hoard it.  We all know those people who take 7 samples of some noodle recipe the grocery store is sampling that’s clearly not a big “score” or anything, but because it’s there and free, people go a little nuts for it!  In the case of the protein powders, I can’t use them but Scott can.  And there were tons sitting there.  I asked if it was ok to take two packets and the lady was more than okay with that, but I would have felt silly grabbing more than two.  

Sometimes the sample givers at stores aren’t so friendly.  There is this grouchy old man who samples food at TJ’s and he rations it out.  Like it’s coming out of his paycheck or something!  It’s very hard to tell a child why they can only have 1 cracker or 1 piece of whatever it is and this guy gets visibly upset if Skylar takes a second sample.  Which I realize they don’t want people basically eating their lunch at TJ’s, but I know plenty of people who do at Costco...haha!  but sometimes the sample givers are a little stingy!  Have you ever noticed that?

Do you get the Omg It’s Free, I better take it Now or I’ll never have access to it again Syndrome?  How many free samples is ok to take in your mind?  Ever run across a Stingy Sample Giver?

3.  Reader’s Request Topics
In an effort to try to post about things that others find interesting (Gina is awesome about doing these)  and not just ramble on about trips to the tanning salon and what I ate or my workouts, are there any specific things you’d like me to post about?  And no, I am not doing a “daily eats” post.  I hate those.  Sorry to anyone who blogs their daily eats.  If you like to do that, awesome.  I don’t. 

Most anything you’re curious about or questions that you think I can answer or topics or recipes or insights that you may enjoy me posting about, let me know in the comment field.  I can’t tell you how often (almost one a day!) people write to me about their poop or their periods or their sexual problems or questions about their breasts.  I am not a doctor folks…and really don’t have the expertise or desire to answer these so none of these, please.  

Depending on what I hear back on about Reader’s Requests, I can try to post about those things in the future.

4.  Which brings me to my next question, is there anything that you would not want to read about on my blog? 

I am frequently solicited by companies to feature their products on my blog.  Recently I was solicited by Good Vibrations to review their products or do give-aways, exclusive discount coupon codes for my readers and more.  Sex is natural, beautiful, and I have no problem talking about it, embracing my sexuality, or about talking about toys or adult-themed products.  However, not sure if my readers feel the same.   What do you guys think about this?    Would this be an Off Limits Topic/Give Away, or not?   As an aside, when I post about things like Medical Marijuana and Gay Pride and Nude Yoga, I notice that I get a few unsubscriptions from my email service for people who choose to get my blog emailed to them, but in general, most people come out of the woodwork and comment and it’s fun to share information I think.  Off the top of my head, Gena has talked about sex, so has Ilana, and The Twins have talked about birth control, so yes, it’s discussed.  I would not be the first or only…hah!

What do you think about Sex Talk or Toys on the Blog?  Would you enter a give away for Good Vibes Products?

Have a Great Week Everyone!!

Stay Tuned For a couple new purchases…

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