Weekends Are…


Weekends are the best time to bake.

And make your house smell delicious.

Jar of cookie butter with chocolate chips and white chocolate

I made something along the lines of these.

I better take pictures of the new goodies before the family eats I eat them all.

Coconut peanut butter magic cake bars

Weekends are the best time to stop and smell the roses.

Or the yellow calla lillies.

Yellow Calla Lilies

Weekend mornings are made for nice long walks and catching up with my husband. I can talk his ear off for 5 miles while he nods and says yes, dear.

Five miles later, I came up for air. That expression, I’m at a loss for words. That’s never happened to me.

bridge overlooking trees

They’re also the best time to read cookooks as if they are novels.

In bed, starting from the beginning, one page at a time, line by line, word by word, to be sure I don’t miss a single thing.

And I wouldn’t want to miss a single thing in Joy’s book. It’s fabulous.

Joy the baker cookbook by joy wilson

Weekends are the best time to eat fudge. Especially when it’s vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and has no refined sugar.

Dare I say that actually sounds like it’s good for me and I should eat extra. Twist my arm.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Chocolate Protein Fudge

Peanut Butter and Jelly Chocolate Protein Fudge

What’s been the best thing you’ve done or eaten so far this weekend?

Complete the sentence: Weekends Are__________

Thanks for the Puff Pastry At Brunch Cookbook Giveaway entries

Enjoy your weekend!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Weekends are … pure bliss.

    I bought some of that cookie butter in NY, and the hubby LOVES it.

  2. I’ve been cooking up a storm this weekend. And now I’m exhausted and need another weekend!! But – the best thing I did this weekend was a fabulous baby shower with friends. Fun!

  3. Weekends are work days for me recently! Then again so are week days:)
    Fortunately the acting part of my job is jolly good fun…it’s the business side I’m trying to learn to love.
    Those yellow callas are amazing’

  4. Weekends are relaxing. Oh wait, that’s what weekends should be. Most of the time they are actually full of food prep and running errands. But those stolen relaxing moments make it all worth it.

  5. Weekends are for sleeping in and getting organized for the week! Sounds a bit boring, I know, but one of those necessary evils. :) I love spending Sunday in the kitchen trying out new recipes to take for my lunch during the week.

    Our walks sound like yours – I do a lot of the talking!

  6. Weekends are for spending with the ones you love!
    The best part of my weekend was a great date with my husband

  7. hehe! Your walks with your husband description made me giggle. I can relate!

    Weekends are for… spending quality time with my husband, having the chance to take my time with a workout, and maybe heading out for a nice meal.

  8. That jar of cookie butter up top reminds me that I’ve been meaning to tell you that I blame you for my husband’s obsession with the stuff now. You got me hooked and then I brought 4 jars home this past trip and now HE WON’T STOP EATING IT! seriously, he demolished 1 jar in 3 days, I had one spoonful. I’m thinking about hiding the remaining jars from him.
    Obviously, I’m joking about the blame part (kinda ;))

    1. I wish I was getting a commission on it. I had one woman write in yesterday she got 4 different friends hooked!