White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow


Some people call this Peanut Butter Chex Mix.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

Some people call it Puppy Chow.

I’ve seen it called Reindeer Feed this time of year when mixed with pretzels and other add-in’s like M & M’s or peanuts. 

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

Some people call it Bury Your Face In This Bowl.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

I had never tried making puppy chow with white chocolate, but decided to give that a whirl for today’s version since white chocolate pairs so well with peanut butter.

Then again, most things pair well with peanut butter for me.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

Especially when there are four cups of powdered sugar involved.

Tip: If you liked this recipe, make sure to try my loaded Christmas Puppy Chow as well! 

Powered Sugar and White chocolate



White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow (Gluten Free; with Vegan option)

1 c white chocolate chips

2/3 c peanut butter

1/3 c butter (or margarine/Earth Balance)

1 tsp vanilla extract

6 cups+ Chex or Crispix cereal – rice, corn, or combo (I used Crispix that was half corn/half rice.  In the past I have made Puppy Chow from Rice Chex but it crumbled more easily when stirring.  The corn in the cereal makes the pieces heartier and less crumbly)

3 to 4 cups+ powdered/confectioner’s sugar (I used just over 4 c but I wanted each piece very well coated)

Optional: Add any add-in’s before tossing with the powdered sugar such as: pretzel pieces, M & M’s, other candy bits or mini candies (diced or chopped), toffee bits, raisins, other dried fruit pieces, nuts, seeds, marshmallows, white/dark/peanut butter chips, etc.


In a large microwave-safe bowl, combine the white chocolate chips, peanut butter, butter, and melt in 20-30 second increments, removing from the microwave and stirring vigorously after each interval.  White chocolate burns easily so take care not to overheat it and vigorous stirring will encourage complete melting sooner than you think.

After mixture is completely melted and smooth, add the vanilla extract and stir to incorporate.

Then add the cereal and fold it in gently.   (You may want to add a total of 7 cups of cereal if there is any pooling of liquid at the bottom of the bowl.  All liquid should be fairly well absorbed and coated onto the cereal but you don’t want it too dry.  Plenty of “juiciness” is desired because the powdered sugar will stick better)

Add powdered sugar, one cup at a time, and keep tossing mixture until the powdered sugar coats all pieces, thereby drying them out, or until the sugar layer is as thick as desired.

Yields: About 7 cups of mix.  Store in airtight container or Ziplock bag (I have mine in the freezer in a big Tupperware container and it’s just fine to remove and eat immediately. It’s so hot here that all chocolate needs to be kept in the fridge or freezer.)


Already Gluten Free if using any of these Chex Cereals

To make vegan, use Vegan White Chocolate Chips and margarine/Earth Balance or similar


Addicting?  Yes.

Delicious?  Yes.

Healthy?  Oh yes, for sure.  The whole grains in the cereal make this health food.  Ok maybe not so much but it’s a good story.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

I love the white chocolate in this version and it allows both the peanut butter and the vanilla flavors to come through in comparison to the regular (dark) chocolate recipe for Puppy Chow (vegan, gluten free) that I’ve made in the past.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

I’ve been on a white chocolate kick lately.  I blame the holidays.

White chocolate peanut pretzel and chocolate chip fudgeOk, not really, I love white chocolate any time of year.

I hope you have some parties to bring this to because it makes more than you probably need for yourself.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow

But it’s so addicting that you will probably make a pretty good dent on it by yourself.

White Chocolate Vanilla Peanut Butter Puppy Chow


Do you like Puppy Chow? 

If so, how do you make it or what do you add to it?

Winner of the Superfoods & Superfruits Giveaway announced next post

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. I’ve honestly never had Puppy Chow, or heard of it until now! Where have I been, under a rock this whole time? It looks lovely! Something I’d want out on New Year’s Eve while watching the ball drop, or to munch on between meals on Christmas day.

  2. Dustin’s been asking me to make Puppy Chow for like, 6 years now, lol. I’ve never had it. I even bought all the supplies once; the paper bag, the Chex, etc. I suppose I’ll make it for him, he deserves it. He’s not into white chocolate at all though, so this recipe wouldn’t tickle his fancy. He’s either peanut butter or milk chocolate, sometimes both. He will eat anything, but has a very short list of what he actually enjoys eating, haha. :roll:

    1. No paper or ziplock bag even necessary with this method. Just replace what I did with white and use all semisweet/nestle chips, whatever dark chip you (or he) likes…and do everything else the same. At that point they are vegan and GF so you can have them too….lucky you :)

  3. Holy crap, these look uh-mazing! I’m going to have to try these. Yogis know how to live life…balanced. I’ll do an asana practice for hours. But afterwards, I’d eat these snacks. Work hard and reward yourself! Delicious!

  4. I have been trying so hard to moderate my sugar intake lately but one of the girls at work tonight had made puppy chow and I couldn’t restrain myself! I grabbed two small clumps then got as far away from that container as I could!! It is ridiculously delicious!!

    1. what are the odds of that! puppy chow at the party and then seeing this post…at least you got your craving handled :)

  5. YUM. I recall many a holiday season standing over a giant gallon ice cream bucket FULL of puppy chow. It was always the first thing I requested my mom make during the holiday. Whitec chocolate seems to class it up a bit, no? If you can “class up” something called puppy chow, that is.

    BTW, this isn’t what I had in mind, so I’m happy I wasn’t scooped. Hehe. Unfortunately, I just tried a new white choc cookie bar recipe today that was a total GF fail. I used several GF flours and oats, instead of the mix I’ve been using, with yolks only…turns out the mix had some guar in it and yolks don’t have the binder. Damn food science. The cookies were a crumbly mess. I told my studnets about it and they said they would have eaten them no matter what. Sugar and chocolate. They don’t care what they look like.

  6. I have never had puppy chow, but I think I would like it. I like foods that crunch. We make a chex mex, but it is different than that. It has cereals, bugles, pretzels, etc..

    1. yeah that’s what I call savory party mix or just ‘chex mix’…cereals, bugles, pretzels, etc. Knowing you, you’d like this, but not tons of quantity of it, b/c you’re more of a savory girl than a sweets girl.

  7. OMG, I love reindeer mix! It is the best..and the most ADDICTING. ;) I’ve actually never made it….and now unfortunately (or fortunately) I really want to!!

  8. ummm, YES PLEASE!!! this looks incredible. i love regular puppy chow aka muddy buddies (ever heard it called that?) i’ve always called it puppy chow, but i went to college in southern california where everyone seemed to call it muddy buddies. ANYWAY, the white chocolate addition is a genius idea!

    1. well and being that these are white and not dark choc, the word ‘muddy’ just seemed not applicable anyway. but yes I live in San Diego and have heard them called that there too!

  9. You’re KILLING me here!
    Don’t ever change, k? Keep the white choc-vanilla-PB goodness comin’.

  10. This is AMAZING!! I also LOVED puppy chow growing up, this hits the mark. I have a holiday party potluck on Saturday and I am in charge of the dessert, this is now top on the list. Thank you so very much!!!

    1. oh this is perfect holiday party potluck food. the EXACT thing that it’s best for. LMK how they go over if you make them!

  11. Puppy chow was my absolute favorite growing up. I remember throwing all the ingredients into a big paper grocery bag and shaking it up. It didn’t get any better.