Yes or No


I hope you’re having a good day and in the mood for a little game of yes or no.

1. Have you ever eaten raw cookie dough?

Raw cookie dough in yellow mixing bowl

The real raw kind (above) with eggs

Not the Raw Vegan Cookie Dough (below) kind which is egg-free

Raw Vegan Cookie Dough balls stacked with paper

2. Do you think beans are the Musical Fruit?  Spicy Baked Black Beans with Mixed Vegetables may have had that effect in our house.

Spicy Baked Black Beans with Mixed Vegetables in white bowl

3. If a friend asked you if you thought her outfit made her look fat, would you tell her your honest thoughts?

4. Would you be able to explain the differences (without having a color chart next to you) between magenta, maroon, and crimson in a succinct way, either to a grown man or a preschooler, so that in a couple sentences they knew what was what?

Bonus points if the grown man even after the explanation has any idea what you just said.  If you ask him to pick out a maroon tie, he will likely come home with a periwinkle one.

5. Does the combination of chocolate + peanut butter make you happy?

Flourless chocolate peanut butter chocolate chip cookies stacked

What are your answers to 1 through 5 above?

Mine are:

1. yes (and I’m still here)

2. yes

3. yes (but this is hard and I’ve been known to dodge this question and admit to a little bit of white lying or sugar-coating)

4. no

5. yes!

And have you entered the Asian Foods Giveaway?

And as a favor, have you voted for me in the Delta/Biscoff Bakeoff?  Just takes a second and thank you!

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Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. If you have a question regarding changing, altering, or making substitutions to the recipe, please check out the FAQ page for more info.

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  1. Yes, yes, yes yes, and yes. (Although the fat question would take some sugar coating!)

    haha I love this post :)

  2. 1. yes, when I was young, but not in the last five years and mostly I just picked out the chocolate chips. I much prefer brownie batter
    2. Beans, fruit? I thought they were a legume. Not the kind of music I like :)
    3. Yes, I’m honest, and I don’t think outfits make people look fat. If you are fat, you will look fat, to put it bluntly.
    4. no way!
    5. Chocolate + Pb = THIRSTY. not a PB gal (almond butter, baby!)

  3. Raw cookie dough is delicious :) im usually honest when people ask-does this look ok. Color descriptions? Uh prob not :)

  4. 1) Yes, almost daily.
    2) Big loud tooting yes.
    3)Yes, but I always try and beat around the bush of that one.
    4) Heck No… I think I’m partially color blind sometimes.
    5) Yes, now a cookie please?!

    Happy Wednesday, girl!

  5. 1. Yes. LOTS of it. And I still eat it.

    2. Sometimes.

    3. Yes, but like you said, sugarcoating helps.

    4. Probably not.

    5. Yes. Very happy. In fact, might be making something with that VERY combo tonight :-)

  6. Yes. The raw cookie dough is the best part!

    No. Beans aren’t one of the foods that make me musical.

    No I would not tell a friend her outfit made her look fat. If something was truly unflattering I would tell her, but I wouldn’t say the word fat or any synonym of it.

    Nope, I don’t even know the difference. Much less how to explain it.

    Chocolate and peanut butter doesn’t make me vomit or anything, but it isn’t my favorite. I tend to like vanilla or spice flavors moreso than chocolate. And peanut butter in general is just meeeehhh to me. Now pistachio butter? I need that in my life.

  7. 1 – YES! I would rather eat the dough. I recently used cookie dough as cake filling (I have a problem).
    2 – Unfortunately, yes.
    3 – Yes, but with a little sugar coating (the color looks great on you, but I don’t think the cut is very flattering).
    4 – Yes (Magenta – a darker hot pink like my toenail polish, Maroon – Like Virginia Tech wears ;-) or like wine, Crimson – red like a fire truck).
    5 – YES!

  8. 1. Hell yes. I prefer cookie dough to baked cookies. :P
    2. Yes.
    3. I would definitely sugar coat because I don’t want to hurt her feelings. But I would never say it makes her look fat, I would just say it isn’t flattering and to try something else.
    4. Does “magenta is dark pink, maroon is dark red, and crimson is blood red” count? :p
    5. Oh yes.

  9. HAHAHA, I could not explain those colors to my boyfriend. He thought I wore a black dress on our first date (a comment he made a week later, so it wasn’t cause it was so long ago he could be forgiven for forgetting) and I wore a white shirt with a skirt with orange and red flowers on it. So to answer your question, i’d say it depends on the man.

  10. I believe DUH sums up my answers. But, more specifically, YES, yes, yes, depends (a kid, yes, but grown men are hopeless), and DUH.

  11. Yep, don’t all kids??? If a good friend asked about an outfit, I might suggest a different option if it was really that bad. And I would never attempt to explain to a grown man any color subtleties ;-)

    I need a reminder to vote when I get home!

  12. so fun! my answers.

    1. yes – definitely. in embarrassingly large quantities. i’m still breathing.
    2. ha, never have thought of them that way, but i see your point!
    3. yes – in a “nice” way. eek! tough question.
    4. absolutely not.
    5. deliriously happy.